Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Essay On The Perfect Match - 787 Words

â€Å"The Perfect Match† by Ken Liu begins with Sai, the protagonist, waking up to â€Å"Il Sospetto.† The song was played at the exact right time to wake him up making him feel ready for the day. Tilly had chosen the song and when to play it. As the morning progresses and Sai goes into the shower, Tilly begins speaking about a perfect match that she has found for him. It is a girl that Tilly knows Sai will like. Sai trusts Tilly with everything, even picking the correct beverage to have for breakfast. As Sai is leaving his apartment to head to work, we are introduced to another main character, Jenny. She is dressed in a â€Å"thick winter coat, ski goggles, and a long, dark scarf that covered her hair and the rest of her face† (Liu). Sai describes Jenny†¦show more content†¦She tells you what to think† (Liu). In this breaking point in the story, Sai begins to rebel against Tilly, taking her out of his ear. He also asks Ellen to take hers off, howe ver she grew very frustrated with Sai’s request and asked for the date to be over immediately. This only fueled Sai’s rebellious attitude toward Tilly. On Sai’s return home, Tilly makes an effort to relieve Sai of his anger. In return, Sai turns off his phone. Tilly could no longer input into Sai’s life, she was gone. Once Sai got home he immediately visited Jenny looking for answers. Jenny was pleased to see him and debriefed him on everything Tilly does. From taking down foreign governments to negatively optimizing searches, Tilly and Centillion control the material that should and should not be â€Å"seen.† Due to what Jenny has now told him, and the proof she has provided, Sai has become invested in taking down Centillion. Once Jenny and Sai call it a night, they both go to sleep. Then Miles Davis begins to play. It is Sai’s daily wakeup from Tilly, however he did not turn her back on. â€Å"I thought I turned you off, Tilly, with a hardware switch† (Liu) Sai said, however he had to keep his cool so Tilly would not pick up on any inconsistencies and suspicion . He then decided to leave her in h is home because he was â€Å"going out jogging† (Liu). He was really going to Jenny’s apartment to tell her theShow MoreRelatedAn Almost Perfect Match in The Namesake by Jhumpa Latiri Essay657 Words   |  3 Pagesbelieve there is an ideal match somewhere out there in the world that was made for them. Most of the time this conspiracy becomes a reality, but only for few. In the story The Namesake by Jhumpa Lahiri, the main character, Nikhil and his ex-fiancà ©, Moushumi seemed as if they were the kind of couple that would have lasted forever. Unfortunately as we continue to read through the story, we realized that they were not really meant to be. 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